Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sony Hints At Future Third Party Downgra ...

Speaking in a recent interview with, Sony Computer Entertainment UK managing director Ray Maguire has suggested that future multi-platform titles from third-parties will be led on PS3 and will have to be downgraded for systems with weaker processors.Discussing the topic of third-party publisher support on the PS3, Maguire said: ''I think we now have an install base which is big enough for any third party to want to develop for. Now the decision making part of development is which do you lead your development on? Is it easier to lead with the most powerful, both in terms of AI and graphics, i.e. PS3 and then just remove part of the functionality for the processors that aren't quite as strong? I would imagine that's very much part of the thought process now from a studio development point of view.''We're already seeing multi-format titles being lead on PS3, including the great looking Mirror's Edge from DICE, but judged on the released demo the game still looks marginally sharper on Xbox 360.SourceWell this is good news now we don't have to have all these sloppy ports released on PS3. Sony Hints At Future Third Party Downgra ...
Sony cocky as usual? Sony Hints At Future Third Party Downgra ...
No way, a Sony spokesperson claiming that PS3 games will look better eventually. :shock:
Sony has been claiming this from day 1 lol, there as bad as sony fanboys. They believe in TEH POWAAHHHHHHHHHHHH of the cell just like all the sony lovers.Ridiculess really, here i was thinking they was lying just cause they knew people would be stupid enough to eat it up, reality is there being genuin and actually think there console has some advantage. :lol:
in 5 year time Ps3 games might look as good as 360 games, imagine that! :shock:
[QUOTE=''jakarai''] Speaking in a recent interview with, Sony Computer Entertainment UK managing director Ray Maguire has suggested that future multi-platform titles from third-parties will be led on PS3 and will have to be downgraded for systems with weaker processors.Discussing the topic of third-party publisher support on the PS3, Maguire said: ''I think we now have an install base which is big enough for any third party to want to develop for. Now the decision making part of development is which do you lead your development on? Is it easier to lead with the most powerful, both in terms of AI and graphics, i.e. PS3 and then just remove part of the functionality for the processors that aren't quite as strong? I would imagine that's very much part of the thought process now from a studio development point of view.''We're already seeing multi-format titles being lead on PS3, including the great looking Mirror's Edge from DICE, but judged on the released demo the game still looks marginally sharper on Xbox 360.SourceWell this is good news now we don't have to have all these sloppy ports released on PS3. [/QUOTE] That wasn't confirmation the PS3 wasn't going to get sloppy ports. A Sony exec said it so basically it means nothing.
What a tool.The 360 has smoked Sony so far. Look at Fallout 3, and now Sony is saying that future games will have to be downgraded for 360...HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Good one.
Could this be true that finally the powah of teh cell will be unlocked!?!
[QUOTE=''jakarai'']future multi-platform titles from third-parties will be led on PS3 and will have to be downgraded for systems with weaker processors.[/QUOTE]That is absolutely hilarious:lol:
360's been out for like 3 years and its still as good if not better than the ps3.
[QUOTE=''ReverseCycology'']Could this be true that finally the powah of teh cell will be unlocked!?![/QUOTE] the hidden power..seen this before, time to move on
I love this part that the writter wrote-We're already seeing multi-format titles being lead on PS3, including the great looking Mirror's Edge from DICE, but judged on the released demo the game still looks marginally sharper on Xbox 360. :lol: Maybe Sony should worry less about MS and more about Sony then they would not post $12 billion lose like they just did.
Sony...walk the goddamn walk as well as talk the talk for a change, would you?
:lol:....oh man,stomach cramps...Sony when will this BS stop? Its been 2 years already. :lol:
Well then I guess it sucks for Sony since the 360 GPU is far better than the PS3 GPU.Also 2 years in and games are still performing and looking better on the 360 than the PS3 (Fallout 3 is just one example).
hahahah, so PS3 has kack multiplats now? man, where do Sony get these peopel from? Kutarai...Harrison...they are douchebags and embarass Sony as a company.
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WTH, low level accounts making SDF type threads (RRoD etc.) at GS all day today. Yikes, these threads are just so full of manure.
Wow, the Sony PR guy hit us with the double move. ''Just wait'' and ''The power of the cell'' within a breath of each other. the only thing that would've made it better is if he ended it with a ''giant enemy crab'' or ''RRRRidge Racer'' quote. Priceless:lol:
In 2006, Sony told me the PS3 would blow the 360 out of the water. In 2007, Sony told me it was their year, the PS3 would dominate. In 2008, Sony told me it was their year, it was over for the 360, and by this coming December, they would be the market champs. It was also suggested HOME would come out this Fall and blow LIVE away, LBP would start a social gaming revolution that would redefine gaming, MGS4 would end the 360's lead, and that Sony's ''diverse software'' would pull away the Wii's audience.I'm still waiting.So when Sony spread more fear, uncertainty, and doubt about the competition, really all I see again are my own doubts about the PS3. Instead of trying to make *yet another promise*, why not deliver on the dozens that they still have outstanding? Sony's mouth keeps writing checks that their butt can't cash.

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