the 360 version reminds me of the shadows from GTA4... Far Cry 2 - Better graphics on PS3? (no ...
PS3 Looks like it handles the shadows better but also the textures look muddier on the PS3.
Just a pic. Does not show type of Tvs used or anything.
[QUOTE=''Eltroz''] Just a pic. Does not show type of Tvs used or anything. [/QUOTE] I assume that it was taken from a video and that it was captured directly from the system - so no TV's involved.
Am I the only one who does not see any difference whatsoever?
doesnt look like that on my 360.
[QUOTE=''ackr1TE''] PS3 Looks like it handles the shadows better but also the textures look muddier on the PS3.[/QUOTE] i agree... but i think this is the way the ps3 renders... not a decision taken by the devs. i would assume the source textures are of the same quality in both versions, but the way the ps3 renders creates a slightly different look.
[QUOTE=''thetruespin''][QUOTE=''Eltroz''] Just a pic. Does not show type of Tvs used or anything. [/QUOTE] I assume that it was taken from a video and that it was captured directly from the system - so no TV's involved. [/QUOTE] Well you can assume all you want. If it makes cows happier to just look at a pic with no info about how it was done then go for it.
[QUOTE=''thetruespin''][QUOTE=''Eltroz''] Just a pic. Does not show type of Tvs used or anything. [/QUOTE] I assume that it was taken from a video and that it was captured directly from the system - so no TV's involved.[/QUOTE] To assume is to make an ass of u and me. In this day and age of lifeless manchildren who live vicariously through console wars, it is safe to always take these comparisons with a tub of salt. Even from major videogame websites, like GT, which were shown to be doctoring or even altering footage.
Why even bother trying to look for a difference? it's too small to notice...
As said by the developers,the PS3 version runs and looks better than the 360.But the 360 version is FAR from ugly.
Its dithering, right? Maybe the 360 version doesn't have full color on or something. But either way, Ubi did a great job on the port, unlike Bethesda...
[QUOTE=''Floppy_Jim'']Am I the only one who does not see any difference whatsoever?[/QUOTE] Shadows are 'scratched' in the XBox 360 version.
PC version looks better than both, so why bring it up?
Consolites crack me up.
I don't see the point competing to second place.
I have the 360 and PC versions and the shadows don't look like that..that most be the capture card used with that video comparison..
[QUOTE=''eloyc''][QUOTE=''Floppy_Jim'']Am I the only one who does not see any difference whatsoever?[/QUOTE] Shadows are 'scratched' in the XBox 360 version.[/QUOTE] I see. The PS3 version is slightly jaggier though, so neither looks superior to the other.^^^Wow, 3 people in a row bringing the PC into a thread where it isn't wanted.
[img][/img] No idea were those screens came from BUT the 360 shadows are nothing like that, this is the only screen i could find on the net to show them as i can't take any myself, just look at the ones on the floor they look nothing like those jagg shadows on the OP's pics (i call shenanigans).
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