wonder what there gears score will be lol.Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Review 9.3/ ...
IGN gave it a 8.4/10. Seems a bit overrated but w/e, still a good game :)
never heard of that website, looks like a Sony made blog.......still a good buy for naruto fans, Broken Bond will be great also......
lol what no name site is this. ANyway good score.
The best Naruto game it is like that butter that is not butter.
Anime games? PUH-Lease Guys this Ain't 2000 where Anime used to be the ''IT'' thing, Drgonaball Z has come %26 Gone, Pokemon is there..., Yu-Gi-Oh Sucked big Time...
AHAHAHAHA 9.3 thats better than GeoW 2 lol. No but in all seriousness this is a bit too much I have been waiting for this game for 2 years and I'm a really big fan of Naruto but I know this game belongs in the 8 - 8.5
[QUOTE=''RTUUMM'']AHAHAHAHA 9.3 thats better than GeoW 2 lol. No but in all seriousness this is a bit too much I have been waiting for this game for 2 years and I'm a really big fan of Naruto but I know this game belongs in the 8 - 8.5 [/QUOTE]Are you kidding? Im thinking this game is a 9 on GS. It looks like the best fighting game this gen.
Are you joking, have you not heard of the game Street Fighter IV?
Street Fighter IV sucks. Fighting games that require memorizing combos is just utter BS, in the end, you'll always get beaten by a button masher.I won't say that this Naruto game will be the best. But the demo was VERY fun even though it was very small. This'll be the best Naruto game though.
[QUOTE=''siLVURcross''] Street Fighter IV sucks. Fighting games that require memorizing combos is just utter BS, in the end, you'll always get beaten by a button masher.I won't say that this Naruto game will be the best. But the demo was VERY fun even though it was very small. This'll be the best Naruto game though. [/QUOTE] Wow, why do you even have a ps3. You should be playing wii games if you don't like skill and strategy.
[QUOTE=''Team_Microsoft'']Anime games? PUH-Lease Guys this Ain't 2000 where Anime used to be the ''IT'' thing, Drgonaball Z has come %26 Gone, Pokemon is there..., Yu-Gi-Oh Sucked big Time...[/QUOTE].I don't hold a grudge against anime at all, but I can't stand some of the TV shows that expand over years and years of episodes. Keep it simple like Cowboy Bebop, or Samurai Champloo. The only thing I find funny about anime is the college students in my class who continue to put all their effort into a Japanese anime style of art only to get criticize by their instructors, and low grades. Then again, I wouldn't want my own portfolio to contain any of it.
[QUOTE=''too_much_eslim''][QUOTE=''siLVURcross''] Street Fighter IV sucks. Fighting games that require memorizing combos is just utter BS, in the end, you'll always get beaten by a button masher.I won't say that this Naruto game will be the best. But the demo was VERY fun even though it was very small. This'll be the best Naruto game though. [/QUOTE] Wow, why do you even have a ps3. You should be playing wii games if you don't like skill and strategy.[/QUOTE]Excuse me, but why does my ownership of a PS3 have anything to do with skill? Ever thought maybe I don't play fighting games?Or does that strike you as a surprise? Strategy? What strategy? I don't recall memorizing a strategy.
[QUOTE=''siLVURcross'']Street Fighter IV sucks. Fighting games that require memorizing combos is just utter BS, in the end, you'll always get beaten by a button masher.I won't say that this Naruto game will be the best. But the demo was VERY fun even though it was very small. This'll be the best Naruto game though. [/QUOTE]Button masher FTL.
[QUOTE=''bez2083''][QUOTE=''siLVURcross'']Street Fighter IV sucks. Fighting games that require memorizing combos is just utter BS, in the end, you'll always get beaten by a button masher.I won't say that this Naruto game will be the best. But the demo was VERY fun even though it was very small. This'll be the best Naruto game though. [/QUOTE]Button masher FTL. [/QUOTE] Oh I'm with you on that. I hate button mashers which is why I gave up pretty much most of the 2D fighting game scene.
[QUOTE=''siLVURcross''][QUOTE=''too_much_eslim''][QUOTE=''siLVURcross''] Street Fighter IV sucks. Fighting games that require memorizing combos is just utter BS, in the end, you'll always get beaten by a button masher.I won't say that this Naruto game will be the best. But the demo was VERY fun even though it was very small. This'll be the best Naruto game though. [/QUOTE] Wow, why do you even have a ps3. You should be playing wii games if you don't like skill and strategy.[/QUOTE]Excuse me, but why does my ownership of a PS3 have anything to do with skill? Ever thought maybe I don't play fighting games?Or does that strike you as a surprise? Strategy? What strategy? I don't recall memorizing a strategy. [/QUOTE] someone with skill and strategy will never get beaten by a button masher.
All fighting games take some sort of memorization, if you can't even put a simple combo together, then you fail.
[QUOTE=''too_much_eslim''][QUOTE=''siLVURcross''][QUOTE=''too_much_eslim''][QUOTE=''siLVURcross''] Street Fighter IV sucks. Fighting games that require memorizing combos is just utter BS, in the end, you'll always get beaten by a button masher.I won't say that this Naruto game will be the best. But the demo was VERY fun even though it was very small. This'll be the best Naruto game though. [/QUOTE] Wow, why do you even have a ps3. You should be playing wii games if you don't like skill and strategy.[/QUOTE]Excuse me, but why does my ownership of a PS3 have anything to do with skill? Ever thought maybe I don't play fighting games?Or does that strike you as a surprise? Strategy? What strategy? I don't recall memorizing a strategy. [/QUOTE] someone with skill and strategy will never get beaten by a button masher.[/QUOTE] I beg to differ.Honestly I do. You either have not played many people or have not played enough fighting games to know that button mashing wins.
[QUOTE=''too_much_eslim''][QUOTE=''siLVURcross''][QUOTE=''too_much_eslim''][QUOTE=''siLVURcross''] Street Fighter IV sucks. Fighting games that require memorizing combos is just utter BS, in the end, you'll always get beaten by a button masher.I won't say that this Naruto game will be the best. But the demo was VERY fun even though it was very small. This'll be the best Naruto game though. [/QUOTE] Wow, why do you even have a ps3. You should be playing wii games if you don't like skill and strategy.[/QUOTE]Excuse me, but why does my ownership of a PS3 have anything to do with skill? Ever thought maybe I don't play fighting games?Or does that strike you as a surprise? Strategy? What strategy? I don't recall memorizing a strategy. [/QUOTE] someone with skill and strategy will never get beaten by a button masher.[/QUOTE] It is ironic how you said Wii games do not require strategy yet the biggest game to support you latest post would be SSBB. Irony is a ***** isn't it ;)
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