Short answer, no.Did consoles reach their maximum power?
nowhile this is the first generation that ive ever been really impressed with (in addition to some of the latter xbox and pc titles last gen) when I see stuff like Star Ocean and Killzone my jaw drops
[QUOTE=''SpruceCaboose'']Short answer, no.[/QUOTE]long answer, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo:P
No, the entire idea is kinda myopic, I'm sure people were saying the same thing with SNES, n64, and PS2 came out, but they can and will still get better.
To the TC. Look at animated films like Cars and Wall-E. Those are miles better than any console out now could ever hope to do, but yet, they were animated on computers, so theoretically, you could eventually approach that level of detail in games at some point in the (probably very far) future.
[QUOTE=''SpruceCaboose'']To the TC. Look at animated films like Cars and Wall-E. Those are miles better than any console out now could ever hope to do, but yet, they were animated on computers, so theoretically, you could eventually approach that level of detail in games at some point in the (probably very far) future. [/QUOTE]Cars and Wall-E? youve got to be kidding right.
[QUOTE=''Singularity22''][QUOTE=''SpruceCaboose'']To the TC. Look at animated films like Cars and Wall-E. Those are miles better than any console out now could ever hope to do, but yet, they were animated on computers, so theoretically, you could eventually approach that level of detail in games at some point in the (probably very far) future. [/QUOTE]Cars and Wall-E? youve got to be kidding right. [/QUOTE] What's the problem?
[QUOTE=''Singularity22''][QUOTE=''SpruceCaboose'']To the TC. Look at animated films like Cars and Wall-E. Those are miles better than any console out now could ever hope to do, but yet, they were animated on computers, so theoretically, you could eventually approach that level of detail in games at some point in the (probably very far) future. [/QUOTE]Cars and Wall-E? youve got to be kidding right. [/QUOTE] Hey... every Ratchet game takes us a little step closer. Every Gran Turismo game takes a BIG LEAP forward.
[QUOTE=''Kingmohd84''] I have hardtime believing i will ever look back at 360 and say ''thats so last generation graphics''. [/QUOTE] I say that now and we are not even finished this gen lol
The only thing I wont be able to do is look bvack and say games like gears 2 R2 or KZ2 look bad just like some last gen games. MGS2 and 3 come to mind.
you actually think this is the farthest a multibillion dollar industry can go?y cant video games eventually reach the graphic level of the the many beatiful cgi cutscenes that appear on many of the games? just because you cant picture it doesnt mean nothing else can happen. you think that all the flashy hollywood movies all have the real deal? a lot of them are just computer animated, for all we know, that level of graphic achievement might be reached in consoles some number of years from now
[QUOTE=''Singularity22''][QUOTE=''SpruceCaboose''] To the TC. Look at animated films like Cars and Wall-E. Those are miles better than any console out now could ever hope to do, but yet, they were animated on computers, so theoretically, you could eventually approach that level of detail in games at some point in the (probably very far) future. [/QUOTE]Cars and Wall-E? youve got to be kidding right. [/QUOTE]Call me when you have graphics like this REALTIME
[QUOTE=''Singularity22''][QUOTE=''SpruceCaboose'']To the TC. Look at animated films like Cars and Wall-E. Those are miles better than any console out now could ever hope to do, but yet, they were animated on computers, so theoretically, you could eventually approach that level of detail in games at some point in the (probably very far) future. [/QUOTE]Cars and Wall-E? youve got to be kidding right. [/QUOTE]I take it you have watched neither on a theater screen or an HD source?
[QUOTE=''Lidve''][QUOTE=''Singularity22''][QUOTE=''SpruceCaboose''] To the TC. Look at animated films like Cars and Wall-E. Those are miles better than any console out now could ever hope to do, but yet, they were animated on computers, so theoretically, you could eventually approach that level of detail in games at some point in the (probably very far) future. [/QUOTE]Cars and Wall-E? youve got to be kidding right. [/QUOTE]Call me when you have graphics like this REALTIME
[QUOTE=''Singularity22'']Youre right about Wall-E......but cars? [/QUOTE]Watch it in HD. Its near pixel perfect.
[QUOTE=''SpruceCaboose''][QUOTE=''Singularity22'']Youre right about Wall-E......but cars? [/QUOTE]Watch it in HD. Its near pixel perfect. [/QUOTE]I have. Blu ray. On my computer.
[QUOTE=''Singularity22''][QUOTE=''SpruceCaboose''][QUOTE=''Singularity22'']Youre right about Wall-E......but cars? [/QUOTE]Watch it in HD. Its near pixel perfect. [/QUOTE]I have. Blu ray. On my computer. [/QUOTE]Then I fail to see how you don't understand what I am talking about.
Like I said, youre right about Wall-E. The the only thing a computer game cant replicate as well as cars is the animation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have an idea, lets just drop it. :P
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